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Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Hack FF Unlimited Gems

Flappy Flight Hack Infinite Gems

Flappy Flight Hack Infinite Gems, this cheat work to make a gems that you have an unlimite, tools that we needs is Cheat Engine. You can get the latest Cheat Engine for free on this blog.

Flappy Flight on Facebook is an iteration of Flappy Birds which is seen to keep the users very busy recently. This iteration has penetrated the lives of the Facebook users quite effectively. This hive is very well reflected, when, on every few seconds the Flappy Flight's updates are found wadding the Facebook walls. What makes it the most played game would forever remain a mystery. People are inadvertently pulled towards this outstandingly tough game to play it again and again just in the avidity of scoring higher. While some are seen rising with their two-digit scores, some are still seen frustratingly trying to get a descent one-digit score at least. Whatever be the mission, the game's presence is seen among majority of the Facebook users.
Play Flappy Flight On Facebook : https://apps.facebook.com/flappyflight

Back to Flappy Flight Hack Infinite Gems
Tools Rquired :
Steps :
  1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine (do not open)
  2. Log in to your facebook account then Play Flappy Flight
  3. After you get in to the game, open cheat engine
  4. On the cheat engine select process browser (FlashPlayerPlugin for Firefox win 7+, plugin-container.exe for Firefox OS Win XP, chrome.exe for google chrome and etc.)
  5. Select value type to 4 byte then first scan amount of your gems
  6. Back to the game, play game and get score, each time you get a score your gems will increase.
  7. Back to Cheat Engine and scan your gems after getting score
  8. Do the above steps until you get one address
  9. Put the adderss into adress list then change value to your liking.
  10. Back to the game and play game again then get some score.
  11. Now, see your gems

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